Tinkertank’s Mentor Workshop: Empowering Educators and Mentors

Tinkertank Mentor Camp: Workshop for teachers and mentors

The Tinker Tank mentor camp will be held in Ludwigsburg from July 3 to July 6, 2023. This workshop is designed for educators and makerspace supervisors who wish to provide people of all ages with access to technology and creative idea generation through playful experimentation. This will help make them fit for the digital future.

The workshop will cover a range of topics, such as how to set up a workshop and what resources are needed for it. The utensils suitable for workshops and how to find the right ideas and topics will also be discussed. Additionally, the camp will include lectures by experts in the making scene on topics such as setting up creative laboratories, sources of inspiration and motivation, sustainability and inclusion.

Workshops will impart technical expertise in various materials such as scrap and fabrics, and tools such as soldering irons, drills, and saws. Electronics, circuits, and microcontrollers will also be covered.

Interested participants can apply until May 15, 2023, by submitting a short introduction and expressing their interest in the workshop. Participation is free, and lunch and snacks will be provided.

The Tinker Tank mentor camp offers innovative learning experiences for educators and makerspace supervisors. By attending this workshop, participants will be able to better motivate their participants and provide them the skills and resources they need to succeed. The organizer’s website has the complete details of the range of content and methods. Apply now and discover the joy of tinkering!

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