Streamers Beware: Xokas Addresses Major Issue and Spotlights Illojuan as Case Study

Being a streamer is a dream job for many people. However, the reality is that more than 90% of people who start in this profession end up failing. To become successful like Ibai, The Grefg, Auronplay or El Xokas, it takes a lot of effort and hours of work. Most importantly, those who have made it in the industry know the importance of striking a balance between work and rest.

Recently, El Xokas and Auronplay have been reflecting on the need for streamers to take it easier and put big events aside to focus on their communities. El Xokas mentions that major streamers risk falling into a damaging routine on a mental level by constantly trying to meet their audience’s expectations.

Xokas advises streamers to learn how to relax and take a break when necessary. In fact, he believes that streaming less is not a bad thing, as it can help content creators avoid burnout. Drawing inspiration from IlloJuan, a streamer from Malaga, Xokas notes that he finds balance by streaming only three to five days per week.

While some streamers might feel guilty for not streaming as often, Xokas urges them to prioritize their well-being. It is better to take some time off and come back refreshed than to burn out entirely. Additionally, Xokas draws a comparison to xQc, whom he notes is “malito” or unwell, and serves as an example of what not to do.

Overall, it is important for streamers to recognize the need to take breaks and prioritize their mental health. Balancing success with personal rest is key to thriving as a content creator on platforms like Twitch. With the support of their communities, streamers can learn to strike a balance between creating quality content and taking time off when needed.

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