Programmer News: Developer Snapshots in Brief

Developer Snapshots: Programmer news in a sentence or two

From the recent news, we have gathered a selection of updates from the world of software development. The WildFly application server development team has announced its release plan for the software until January 2024. After a temporary change in development model earlier this year, the developers are returning to their previous release rotation of every three months, leading up to the transition to Jakarta EE 10.

The free JavaScript library jQuery has now reached version 3.7.0, with the introduction of a new method in addition to bug fixes and performance improvements. With this release, jQuery has integrated its code directly into the jQuery core, no longer depending on Sizzle as a separate project.

Stack Overflow’s annual survey among developers has begun, with the 2023 Developer Survey available online. The survey is divided into seven sections, with most of the questions being optional, and should take about 15 minutes to complete.

Apache Lucene library for search engines has released version 9.6.0, including numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements. Among these is a new KeywordField, aimed at providing simple and efficient filtering and sorting, with support for the Java 20 Foreign Memory API now also available.

The flat file CMS Statamic version 4 has been released, with a focus on improving user experience and modernizing the code base. Leaning Technologies has provided a demo of its software CheerpJ 3.0, aimed at providing a replacement for JVM in HTML5 and WebAssembly for running Java applications and applets on browsers, and explaining its functionality.

Findings from the Go developer survey of the first quarter of 2023 have been published on the Go blog. The results show that newcomers to Go are mainly interested in web development, and dependency management and versioning are the biggest challenges for maintainers of open source Go modules.

Microsoft has released the regular update for Java in Visual Studio Code, bringing improvements in debugging, profile support, and interface visualization. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has launched two new Open-Source projects, Snapchange fuzzing tool and Cedar language and SDK, aimed at addressing security concerns in the software supply chain.

Finally, Epic Games has announced the availability of its Unreal Engine version 5.2, with the new Substrates function allowing developers to create individual materials for their objects, providing more creative options for filmmakers in virtual production.

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