Jens Lehmann’s Porsche Causes Trouble with Police Control

Jens Lehmann: Trouble with his Porsche - police control!

Ex-soccer star Jens Lehmann (53) was recently slowed down by the police control of his black Porsche at the busy Rindermarkt. Apparently, there was a minor traffic accident involving another Porsche driver, and the police had to measure the car using a folding rule. Lehmann remained calm during the police questioning and could not be reached for a BILD request.

Lehmann is known for his short temper and has had several run-ins with the police and the judiciary in the past. In July 2022, he faced charges of property damage after allegedly cutting through a roof beam of his neighbor’s new carport with a chainsaw. In 2016, he was in court for coercion, and a process is still open because he was allegedly driving 61 kilometers per hour too fast in town.

Lehmann’s habit of appealing against parking tickets is also well known. In January of this year, he committed a parking violation in Dürnbräugasse and received a fine, which he objected to. He also parked illegally in Maderbräugasse last October and appealed against the fine but failed to show up at the court hearing.

Despite his past troubles with the law, this time it was only a minor traffic accident that slowed Lehmann down. Nevertheless, given his track record, it remains to be seen if he will face any charges or penalties in this latest incident.

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