WhatsApp has announced a new feature that allows chat histories to be transferred between devices with the same operating system. This can be done within the app itself, eliminating the need for third-party applications. The aim is to make the transmission path more secure and prevent unofficial apps from saving user content. The transfer is facilitated by a QR code, which serves as verification. WhatsApp assures users that all content remains fully encrypted.
In addition to chat history transfers, WhatsApp has also introduced new security features. Users can now automatically reject calls from unknown callers, helping to prevent scams and unwanted calls, especially on young people’s smartphones. When a call is rejected, it does not ring on the user’s phone but appears as a missed call in the call log in case it was from an important contact.
To assist users in setting up the app securely, WhatsApp has added a privacy checkup feature. This feature guides users through all possible security settings step-by-step, ensuring that their messenger is properly protected. The privacy checkup can be found in the privacy settings of the app.
WhatsApp emphasizes that while end-to-end encryption is already in place to secure calls and messages, they continue to add more layers of privacy. This includes features such as Chat Lock to protect sensitive chats with a password, disappearing messages, screenshot blocking for View Once, and the ability to keep online presence private.
Overall, these updates aim to enhance security and privacy for WhatsApp users, providing them with more control over their conversations and protecting them from unwanted calls and unauthorized access to their data.