The Power of Workplace-App Notation: Planning 95% of Life

Workplace-App Notation: How people use it to plan "95 percent of life".

Productivity app Notion has become increasingly popular for personal use, with many users utilizing the flexibility and customization options to plan their daily lives. Originally intended for business use to bring different systems together into one hub, the app’s simple templates allow users to add or delete features to suit their needs. Notable examples include storing product serial numbers, planning moves, and organizing meals. The app’s popularity has increased in recent years, with millions of views on productivity-related videos on YouTube and thousands of users sharing free Notion templates on Facebook. However, there is a risk that users may spend too much time planning their lives to the detriment of actually completing tasks. Psychologists warn that it can be counterproductive if creating to-do lists becomes more important than completing tasks. Despite potential drawbacks, Notion users report a high degree of satisfaction with the app and are unlikely to switch to other platforms anytime soon.

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