Techno Parade: High-Security Saturday in Paris, March Against Police Violence and Far-Right Extremism

The level of vigilance is increasing within the ranks of the police. This Friday, the Direction of Proximity Security of the Parisian Agglomeration (DSPAP) transmitted a note, which Le Parisien was able to consult, to all its units to detail the reinforcement of the security measures in Paris on Saturday, in view of the numerous planned demonstrations in the streets of the capital.

At 12 o’clock, a gathering against “police violence, systemic racism, and to defend public liberties” is planned on Boulevard de Magenta, in the 10th district of Paris. This call for demonstration comes from political parties such as La France Insoumise (LFI) and Europe Écologie Les Verts (EELV), among others. The procession will start around 2:30 pm from Boulevards Rochechouart and Clichy towards Place de Clichy, in the 18th district.

Fears of confrontations between extremists

According to the note from DSPAP, a pre-gathering will take place in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) around 1 pm, before a group departure to Paris. “Violent actions by radicalized far-left militants are likely to target gatherings of far-right militants” planned in different parts of the capital on Saturday, fears the same note.

In parallel with this demonstration and the risks of confrontations between extremist militants mentioned by DSPAP, the 25th edition of the Techno Parade will take place in Paris on Saturday. The gathering is planned around 12 o’clock in Place de la Bastille, and the procession will start three hours later towards Nation. Faced with this multiplication of demonstrations in public spaces and “in order to prevent potential disturbances to public order and ensure the security of people and property,” DSPAP has therefore decided to deploy “its reinforced action plan.”

Controls planned from tonight

In detail, the transmitted note indicates that “police officers (…) must be even more vigilant during their ostensible, visible, dynamic, and dissuasive patrols in sectors likely to gather a large number of demonstrators in order to reinforce the detection of radical elements (…) and, if necessary, proceed with arrests.” Controls will also be reinforced “in order to detect the presence of anyone likely to transport improvised explosive devices or pyrotechnics and objects that can be used as projectiles.” Preventive checks will begin tonight in Paris.

This accumulation of demonstrations in Paris on Saturday comes in a tense security context in France, due to the “very high” terrorist threat in the country mentioned by Gérald Darmanin at the beginning of September, but also due to the organization of the Rugby World Cup.

Darmanin expresses his “unwavering support”

In a letter addressed to the forces of law and order, Gérald Darmanin expressed his support on the eve of a new demonstration against police violence. “At a time when calls to demonstrate ‘against the forces of law and order’ are organized, or under the pretext of a ‘march against racism and police violence,’ some chant the worst slogans filled with hatred against state servants and institutions of the Republic, I wanted to express my unwavering support,” writes the Interior Minister in a letter consulted by Le Parisien.

Nationwide, the police count 117 mobilizations planned for this Saturday, with participation estimated between 24,000 and 31,000 demonstrators, including 4,000 to 6,000 in Paris, according to an internal note from the National Directorate of Territorial Intelligence (DNRT).

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