Paris City Council: Grants Adopted for Memory Associations

A walk in the VIe district named “Nothing is simple” in memory of the cartoonist Sempé

The names of Jeanne Barret, Rémi Brissiaud, Régine Crespin and Raphaël Feigelson will now appear on commemorative plaques.

The DAC 246 project mentioned below is unanimously approved.

A grant (5,000 euros) to the Parisian Committee of the Liberation for the realization of an exhibition dedicated to Missak Manouchian, soon to be enshrined, is now on the table.

The DAC 243 project on these grants is unanimously adopted.

The elected officials take turns speaking to defend requests for grants for various associations. These speeches concern grants (29,400 euros) to six associations working in the field of memory, three of them within the framework of multi-year objective conventions.

Raphaëlle Primet, president of the 2nd commission (Culture – Heritage – Memory)
The elected official criticizes the Minister of Culture for claiming to have stopped the strike at the Pompidou Center and finding a solution (“cardboard” according to Raphaëlle Primet) to the relocation of the Pavillon des Sources.

The motion n°9 concerning the pedestrianization and the greening of the place du Trocadéro and the pont d’Iéna is adopted by a show of hands.

Laurent Nunez, Prefect of Police
“The favorable opinions have been on urban planning documents. The Prefect of Police is competent on the traffic of emergency and security vehicles. My predecessor had opposed a final refusal to this project. When I arrived, I took over my predecessor’s opinion. The Court of Appeal considered that the studies did not allow us to question our position. The City of Paris therefore presented developments at the end of 2023 thanks to a traffic study. Today, there are still questions about the project as presented, which is no longer quite the same as before. New technical instructions are needed. And the traffic study produced suggests that certain important Parisian axes will be in trouble for emergency vehicle traffic. As it stands, the Prefect of Police cannot reverse the decision made,” expressed Laurent Nunez, who specifies that he must therefore re-examine the new elements of the file.

Emmanuel Grégoire, rapporteur and deputy mayor of Paris, concludes this debate before the intervention of the Prefect of Police
“The prefecture of Police had validated all the elements on the development and construction permits with a favorable opinion. The Justice did not say that we had not respected the procedures, the State had the right to change his mind, and in the end he finally changed his mind after accompanying us throughout the process. The motion does not speak of the foot of the Eiffel Tower, but we intend to green and partially pedestrianize the place du Trocadéro and the pont d’Iéna,” declared Emmanuel Grégoire.

Catherine Ibled (Independents and Progressives)
“Since the beginning of this project, everything is poorly managed. It is necessary to improve the public space of Iéna and Trocadéro. But it is also a vibrant heart of the western Paris transportation axes. Finding the balance is a real collective challenge. However, you are alone. The City once again shows that it does not know how to work with its partners (the Prefect of Police first and foremost). Traffic studies are non-existent. Thousands of forgotten residents, you have scorned them.” The Independents and Progressives group will not vote for this motion.

Ian Brossat (co-president of GCC)
“It is simply about pedestrianizing and greening the place du Trocadéro. It is not punishing the inhabitants of the XVIe arrondissement,” affirms the elected official. “Every time it is a question of reducing the space for cars, you become defenders of the car,” Ian Brossat said to the Changer Paris group.

Aminata Niakaté (The Ecologists)
The elected official supports “the idea of a large green space.” “The Ecologists will gladly vote for this motion,” affirms Aminata Niakaté.

Anne Hidalgo says she is “persistent”
“You will come to it, Jérémy Redler, as you did for the pedestrianization of the quays along the Seine,” retorts the mayor of Paris to the elected official of Changer Paris.

Jérémy Redler, mayor of the XVIe (Changer Paris)
The elected official believes that this project “creates total isolation of the place du Trocadéro” and also regrets the lack of an impact study on the rerouting of traffic on the surrounding axes.

Rachida Dati, mayor of the VIIe (Changer Paris)
“We thought the One project was abandoned after the mobilization.” For the Minister of Culture, it is necessary to recall that there is a “risk on the pedestrianization project according to the Prefect of Police because of a lack of impact study on traffic rerouting.” Rachida Dati reminds that her group will vote against this motion.

Resolution n°9: relating to the pedestrianization and greening of the place du Trocadéro and the pont d’Iéna
“The City has embarked on an ecological transition for Paris. We are reducing the space for cars to improve air quality. A vote of 80,000 people on the subject of SUVs last weekend, that is respected,” Anne Hidalgo declared at the beginning, congratulating herself on having transformed roundabouts into squares, such as at Bastille. “The Trocadéro district has not yet benefited from such renovation. It must become more pleasant and greener,” added the mayor of Paris, who adds that the Trocadéro will be “greened” to a height of 8,500m² after the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Resolution n°3 of the executive relating to the school map is adopted by a show of hands.

Patrick Bloche, rapporteur of the resolution, responds to this debate
“Paris is mobilized for the defense of public schools. Which government will have damaged public schools so much?” The official does not want to talk about an exodus of families: “We must choose our words, the exodus has a historical significance, so I advise you not to use it anymore,” he addressed the Paris councilors. Patrick Bloche recalls the “equally serious and shocking facts” at the Stanislas school.

Jean-Noël Aqua (Communists and Citizens Group)
The elected official begins, ironically, by “thanking the right-wing government” and its Minister of National Education. For Jean-Noël Aqua, “the State is incapable of predicting the right number of replacements. The government is continuing its mad course of job cuts.” “We demand the cancellation of these job cuts and the breaking of the association contract for the Stanislas establishment,” he demands.

Fatoumata Koné, president of the Ecologists group
“We are lacking in strong forces.” The elected official reproaches “the lies” of the Minister of National Education. “The demographic decrease must allow us to rethink the educational model,” declares Fatoumata Koné, who wishes that the City “commits to the renovation of schools in the face of climate change” and for better treatment of students with disabilities.

Jean-Pierre Lecoq, mayor of the VIe (Changer Paris)
“We are not in favor of new job cuts, we must strengthen the replacement brigades, but the Parisian family policy is not sufficient. Paris is too dense,” reproaches the elected official. “We must strengthen the attractiveness of our schools, review the attractiveness of the animation activities and no longer oppose the private to the public,” he adds.

Emmanuel Coblence (Paris in Common-Ecology for Paris)
“The public school is close to a breaking point,” the elected official believes. “The measures for the next school year are unacceptable and we demand the suspension of the class cuts,” he proclaims, asking for a “reinforcement of the replacement brigades, of the AESH.”

Béatrice Lecouturier (MDE)
“We have a demographic problem, […] your policy is responsible for the exodus of families from Paris,” reproaches the elected official who recalls the best…

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