Paris and island elected officials agree on a constitutional writing

The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin announced that the government and Corsican elected officials had reached an agreement on a project of “constitutional writing” providing for the recognition of an autonomy status for Corsica within the French Republic. The agreement was reached during the night from Monday to Tuesday.

This agreement, which obtained a “broad consensus” among elected officials, concludes the “Beauvau process” initiated by the Minister of the Interior. The text will now be transmitted to the Corsican territorial assembly for a vote after nearly five hours of discussions at the ministry.

The proposed constitutional writing recognizes an autonomy status for Corsica within the Republic that takes into account its specific interests linked to its Mediterranean insularity, historical, linguistic, and cultural community. Laws and regulations can also be adapted on the island, based on the agreement reached between the government and Corsican elected officials.

The text does not create two categories of citizens in Corsica, emphasizing a cultural community rather than a notion of a separate people. The autonomy does not imply separation from the Republic, and the electoral lists of Corsica will be consulted on the project. The President will engage in constitutional reform once the Corsican assembly is consulted and the text is approved by both chambers of Parliament and the Congress.

Overall, the agreement represents a significant step towards autonomy while maintaining a strong connection between Corsica and the Republic.

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