Latest Updates: Programmer News in Quick Snapshots

Developer Snapshots: Programmer news in a sentence or two

Our overview of small, interesting messages includes:

1. Cilium: The development team behind the open source tool Cilium has released the network debugger pwru 1.0.0, which now includes filtering with libpcap.

2. GitHub Actions: GitHub will remove Node 12 from GitHub Actions Runner on August 14, 2023, as it has reached its end-of-life date. GitHub has successfully migrated all GitHub Actions to Node 16 without major difficulties.

3. Nuitka: The Python compiler Nuitka version 1.7 introduces new features, including the isolated mode –python-flag=isolated. It can be used as a replacement or addition to the Python interpreter and supports many CPython versions.

4. CRI-O: The container runtime CRI-O has completed the probationary phase in the CNCF incubator and is now considered “graduated.” Kubernetes version 1.24 has removed the Dockershim to make way for CRI-compatible container runtimes like CRI-O and containerd.

5. WebStorm: The JavaScript IDE WebStorm has announced the availability of the release candidate WebStorm 2023.2, with a final release coming soon. This version offers improved error formatting for TypeScript and JavaScript and support for the “CSS nesting” feature.

6. CockroachDB: Cockroach Labs has announced that the “CockroachDB dedicated” version is now HIPAA-ready, allowing it to store protected health information (PHI) in compliance with US law.

7. CMake: The build tool CMake has released version 3.27.0, which includes support for interactive debugging of the CMake language. Compatibility with CMake versions older than 3.5 has been deprecated.

8. Node.js: Node.js 18.17 updates the URL parser ada to version 2.0, improving the performance of URL parsing. This version is part of the current LTS release branch.

9. Leadtools: Version 22 of Leadtools now has full support for Python, enabling developers to utilize libraries for tasks like image processing, OCR, barcode recognition, and form processing.

10. Google Cloud: Google Cloud has announced the general availability of Application Integration, a standalone integration platform as a service (IPaaS) that helps connect applications visually and without code.

11. Flux: The GitOps tool Flux v2 has achieved GA status, with Flux Controllers designed for horizontal scaling and sharding. The Flux CLI and the Terraform Provider are now stable and ready for production use.

These are some of the smaller news items from the past few days.

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