iX-Workshop: Managing Business Continuity and IT Disaster Recovery

iX-Workshop: Business Continuity Management (BCM) & IT-Notfallplanung

Cyber Attacks: The Importance of Emergency Planning

No company is exempt from the risk of a cyber attack. Even if you think your security measures are strong enough, there is always a possibility for an attack to occur. To minimize the impact of such an event, emergency planning is crucial.

To assist in preparing for the worst, an online training course called BCM: Contingency planning and contingency exercises will be held on June 26 to 28. Participants will receive step-by-step guidelines to develop professional IT contingency planning for their company, guided by an experienced speaker. Additionally, the course includes emergency exercises to test the plan.

Business Continuity Management (BCM) and IT emergency management will be discussed in detail. The course will cover the identification and assessment of IT risks, the structure of IT emergency documentation, reactive IT emergency organization, and the implementation and evaluation of emergency exercises. The training is geared towards IT emergency managers, directors, security officers, CISOs, business continuity managers, risk managers, and auditors.

Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of IT security and organizational structures and processes within the said field. The speaker for the training is Lukas Reike-Kunze from HiSolutions; a specialist in BCM, information security, IT emergency management, and IT risk management. Reike-Kunze also works as a crisis coach, assisting organizations, companies, and critical infrastructure operators with incident management.

To avail a 10 percent early bird discount on the workshop fee, booking a workshop ticket by May 28, is required. This training is more important now than ever when cyber attacks are increasing in frequency and impact. To register or learn more information about the course, visit the AKL start page.

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