Introducing betterCode() API 2023: The Star of Heise Conference on Web APIs Next Week

betterCode() API 2023: Next week there will be the Heise conference on web APIs

For spontaneous developers interested in the development of web APIs, the betterCode() API conference may be an important offer. The event will take place on March 30th, with a second date to follow on April 27th, which corresponds to the concept of the first edition two years ago.

Both days can be booked individually, or as a package. Currently, there is an early bird discount available for the second day of the conference.

The 13 lectures of the betterCode() API 2023 will provide an up-to-date and practical presentation of the most important topics for the development of HTTP APIs. These lectures will cover various topics including evolutionary architectures, finding the right APIs with Event Storming, extending existing APIs with GraphQL, constructive reviews of API designs, API Operations Pipelines, AsyncAPIs, the security of APIs, guiding from planned customer experience to API roadmap, successful APIs through good developer experience, the benefits of API Guidelines, and API Sprawls.

The program overview offers a detailed overview of the conference. Two full-day workshops will accompany the two conference days, with the first basic knowledge workshop taking place on March 16th. The second workshop on May 3rd will focus on the topic of security, and tickets are still available.

Organized by heise developers, iX, and dpunkt.verlag, this will be the fourth edition of the betterCode() API conference, which kicked off in spring 2021. The event was created due to the realization that nobody in web development can ignore APIs.

The betterCode() API wants to help developers address important questions such as which architectural paradigms, which processes, and which protocols to use, and when it’s better not to use them. With proper answers to these questions, successful API development is attainable.

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