Goldie Hawn’s Ghostly Encounters: Is She Being Haunted?

Goldie Hawn sees ghosts: She must be haunted!

Goldie Hawn: A Ghost Whisperer at 77

At 77 years old, Goldie Hawn discovered something new about herself: she can see ghosts. The Oscar winner had a ghostly encounter in her living room and has been eager to see more ever since.

Excited about her newfound ability, Hawn invited her daughter, Kate Hudson, to join her in a ghost hunt. The two famous ladies waited for the second ghost sighting over a glass of Chardonnay in the living room. And, according to Hawn, the ghost did appear a second time in Malibu.

Some may wonder if the Chardonnay played a role in the ghost sighting, but Hawn waved off the suggestion with a laugh. “Wine always helps with such adventures, but she was in the room, I can guarantee that.”

It’s not every day that a Hollywood star claims to have seen ghosts, but for Hawn, it’s a special gift that she’s embracing at 77. Who knows what other surprises life has in store for her in the years to come?

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