Exploring the Intimate World of Strip Club Performers in BILD Podcast

Stripper in the BILD podcast: Do you have sex with women from the audience?

Being a stripper can be a controversial profession, often surrounded by myths and assumptions. The SixxPaxx boys, Jayden and Basti, shed some light on what it’s really like to undress in front of thousands of people, and how their families feel about their job.

In a recent interview with the BILD podcast, Lena loves It, the boys talked about the misconceptions surrounding their profession. They perform on big stages with their own music, dance, and strip show, but they can also be booked for private parties.

One of the most common myths about strippers is that they have sex with women in the audience during their performances. However, the SixxPaxx boys were quick to clarify that real sex is a total taboo during their shows. But what they do after work is their private matter.

Despite this, the entertainers get immoral offers from some of the audience members. Stripper Jan revealed that some bachelorettes offer them sex, which can be a bit weird. However, being reduced to their role as sex objects is part of the job as long as they are on stage, according to the dancers.

On dates, the women they meet notice that a stripper does not only consist of sex appeal and muscles, but also has a human side. Being a stripper is not something that should be judged or stereotyped; it’s just another way to make a living.

Finally, the boys prove that stripping is not a young man’s profession. They have a 44-year-old Brazilian stripper who looks younger than his age. Jan is also not afraid of old age, stating that there is no limit to how long he can perform.

All in all, the SixxPaxx boys have shown that being a stripper is not just about sex appeal and muscles. It’s a profession like any other, and they are proud to be a part of it.

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