Jasmin Tawil: Dealing with Divorce from Superstar Adel

Jasmin Tawil: She never got over the divorce from superstar Adel …

Actress Jasmin Tawil, who once played the beloved GZSZ beauty Franziska Reuter, has reached rock bottom. She was recently arrested near Montezuma in Costa Rica, where she had been living with her three-year-old son Ocean and ex-partner Miquele since the start of the year. There are three ongoing proceedings against her in Costa Rica, and she was even wanted on an arrest warrant. After her arrest, she was taken to a psychiatric hospital and then to a clinic in the capital. Meanwhile, her ex-husband, pop star Adel Tawil, has returned to music after a yearlong break.

Indeed, it’s fascinating how different Adel’s and Jasmin’s lives have turned out to be. Did their divorce play a role in Jasmin’s downward spiral? It’s possible. After their divorce in 2014, Jasmin seemed unable to move on, and she struggled with homelessness in Hawaii. In 2019, she announced on Instagram that she had become a mother and moved to Costa Rica, where she has since faced several challenges.

In February, Jasmin’s relationship with Miquele ended. Some residents accused her of trespassing on their property, robbing them, and vandalizing rooms in a hotel with friends. Jasmin denies these allegations, but they add to the mounting troubles in her life. Meanwhile, Ocean has been taken away from her by local authorities.

It’s hard not to feel for Jasmin, who has gone through so much after her divorce from Adel. In an earlier interview, she described how broken-hearted she felt, how her “heart broke” and hurt so badly. And when Adel showed up with his new girlfriend Lena, Jasmin was still mourning their relationship. She even released a song titled “Ein Song für Deine BITCH,” which some interpreted as a message to Adel’s new partner. But Jasmin insisted that the song was written with Adel back in 2008, and that she didn’t wish for it to be “our bitter truth today.”

Perhaps the most important thing now is that Jasmin gets the help she needs. Her circumstances are tragic and painful, but there is hope. If you or anyone you know is struggling with depression, there are resources available, including the telephone counseling service (www.telefonseelsorge.de). The hotline numbers are 0800-1110111 or 0800-1110222.

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