Euro 7 Emissions Standard: Balancing Brakes and Pushes

Emissions standard Euro 7: One brakes, one pushes

The debate over the forthcoming Euro 7 emissions standard is intensifying. Proponents argue that it will significantly improve air quality, especially in cities, while opponents claim that it will lead to considerable costs for the automotive industry and for those in the commercial vehicle sector, making new cars unaffordable. Two federal government ministries are vying for control of the discussion. The FDP-led Federal Ministry of Transport is stepping on the brakes, while the Federal Ministry for the Environment, led by the Greens, is pushing for a quick decision.

The Ministry of the Environment is urging that Euro 7 be launched within a year, but a common line has yet to be agreed upon by EU states and the European Parliament. The rules are expected to come into force in 2025 or 2027 for trucks and buses. A joint position paper by Italy, France, and six eastern EU states has openly voiced criticism of Euro 7, demanding that all new emissions regulations be scrapped and the deadlines for implementing new requirements be extended.

Critics argue that the introduction deadlines planned by the EU Commission are problematic, particularly for the car industry. It warns that significant price increases for vehicles may occur should the rules become reality. However, the Ministry of the Environment emphasizes the need for Euro 7 as a contribution to improving air quality and meeting air quality limits.

One point of agreement is that emissions drivers that affect air quality in cities are primarily older vehicles that were approved before the Euro 6 emissions standard. A further tightening of the limit values will only affect newly registered cars. In addition, the burning of wood for heating is now considered to be the largest source of particulate matter alongside road traffic.

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