ESP32 Handicraft Project: Game Controller Lawn Sprinkler Control

Handicraft project with ESP32: Controlling lawn sprinklers with a game controller

Do you struggle with manually adjusting your garden sprinkler every time you use it? What if you could control it from the comfort of a deck chair or even program it to run automatically? With an ESP32-WROOM-32 NodeMCU microcontroller and a Playstation 3 controller, you can rebuild your sprinkler system into a remote-controlled, programmable one.

The microcontroller controls the horizontal and vertical water jet direction and the water pressure through three model construction servos. The Playstation 3 controller is connected via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), allowing for easy manual operation or irrigation programming up to 360 degrees in 2-degree increments.

To construct this project, you need to know the Bluetooth address of your controller and have basic knowledge of mechanics, programming, and operation. Make Magazin 2/2023 goes into further detail on how to assemble and program your new garden sprinkler.

No more tiresome activities setting up your sprinkler every time you use it. With this project, you can sit back and relax while your garden gets the perfect amount of water. Plus, you can even scare away your neighbor’s cat with just the push of a button.

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