Emma Watson’s Struggle with Acting

A Dip into Emma Watson’s Life and Career

Most of us know Emma Watson as Hermione Granger from the blockbuster Harry Potter franchise. However, many might not know that at only eleven years old, Harry Potter himself (played by Daniel Radcliffe) ran over Watson with a paper prop during the audition. Nonetheless, this seemingly unfortunate incident marked the beginning of Watson’s acting career, and since then, she has starred in many hit movies like The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Beauty and the Beast, and Little Women.

Recently, Watson has been away from the limelight, but the presentation of her new premium gin has made her come out into the public eye again. Speaking out about what she has been doing all this time, Watson explains that she has been mainly financing companies run by women, but she has also found time to launch her brother’s gin.

The Struggle with Hollywood

So where have all the movies gone? Watson tells the Financial Times that things had become too hard for her. “I had to go out and sell something that I didn’t have a lot of control over, and it was really hard for me to stage a movie and have all the journalists ask, ‘How does that align with your point of view?’.” She felt like she was being imprisoned and having to represent things that she had no control over, which made her extremely frustrated. “I started to get really frustrated because I didn’t have a say. And I realized that I only wanted to stand up for things that, if someone were to hold me against it, I could say, in a way that didn’t make me hate myself, ‘Yeah, I screwed up, it was my choice, I should have done better. ‘”

Nonetheless, Watson still has a passion for acting. Even though she will not act in just any movie, she intends to wait until the next project that feels right comes along. “Yes, I will act again, absolutely. But I like to sit and wait for the next thing that feels good. I love what I do. I need to find a way to make it so that I don’t have to break into different faces and people. And I don’t want to switch to robotic mode anymore. Does that make sense?”

A New Experience as a Director

In addition to her financing work and the gin launch, Watson has also made her first dart into directing in a campaign for Prada that she starred in. Although this is not her major focus, it shows her eagerness to explore other areas in the entertainment industry.

In conclusion, Emma Watson is very talented and successful in her career. While she has had some struggles in Hollywood, she remains passionate about acting and has made impressive progress with her new ventures like financing companies and launching her brother’s gin.

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