Death of Thomas in Crépol: Gérald Darmanin shocked after ultraright activists’ demonstration in Paris

The far right was finally able to demonstrate this Friday evening in Paris. The gathering was authorized at the last minute by the courts. 200 people gathered at the foot of the Panthéon, two weeks after the death of Thomas, a 16-year-old teenager killed with a knife in Crépol in the Drôme. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said he was “scandalized” by this demonstration.

“The Police Prefect had prohibited it on my instructions, but the courts authorized it,” the Interior Minister reacted at the National Assembly, at the very end of the examination of the immigration bill in committee.

In the Drôme, however, no demonstration is authorized this Saturday. Neither those of the far right or its opponents, nor those of the residents of the Monnaie neighborhood in Romans-sur-Isère, where last weekend, about a hundred militants from the identitarian movement gathered, leading to violence. Six demonstrators were sentenced this week.

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