Databricks Expands with Acquisition of AI Startup and Launches Subscription Service for VR Headset Quest

Tuesday: Databricks acquires AI startup, subscription service for VR headset Quest

US software company Databricks has announced its acquisition of generative AI startup MosaicML for $1.3 billion. The deal is a response to the increasing demand from companies for their own ChatGPT-like tools, following the success of Microsoft subsidiary OpenAI’s ChatGPT. This acquisition will allow Databricks to create its own AI language models at a lower cost and customized to individual organizations’ data.

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, is launching a new subscription service for its Quest VR headset. The service, called Meta Quest+, offers subscribers two VR titles per month. To attract users, Meta is offering the first month’s subscription for only $1 for those who sign up before the end of July. The service began on Monday, with the first two VR titles being Pistol Whip, a first-person shooter, and Pixel Ripped 1995.

The Federal Ministry of Economics is beginning to implement its photovoltaic strategy, which aims to promote the use of renewable energies. To simplify the process for private individuals to install their own photovoltaic systems, such as balcony power plants, the ministry has drafted a law to reduce bureaucracy. This move comes as the ministry recognizes the need for “massive efforts” to achieve the expansion targets for renewable energies.

In Baden-Württemberg, schools have been debating the use of Microsoft 365 due to concerns about data protection. The state’s data protection officer recommended that schools move away from using Microsoft’s cloud products. However, the Baden-Württemberg Vocational School Teachers Association (BLV) has stated that Microsoft’s products can be used in compliance with data protection, as they are part of the examination canon of chambers of commerce and crafts.

Researchers from Seoul State University in South Korea have found that the worldwide pumping of groundwater has caused a shift in the Earth’s axis. The constant extraction of groundwater not only changes the orientation of the Earth but also contributes to rising sea levels. This research highlights the significant impact that groundwater extraction has on the environment.

These developments underscore the increasing importance of AI, virtual reality, renewable energy, data protection, and environmental sustainability in the tech industry. As companies and governments navigate these trends, it is crucial to find innovative solutions that meet these evolving needs.

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