Programmer News: Developer Snapshots – A Quick Glimpse into the World of Programming.

Developer Snapshots: Programmer news in a sentence or two

Our roundup of small, interesting stories offers an insight into some of the latest technological advancements in the industry. The Apache Software Foundation has announced that SeaTunnel has now reached the rank of Top Level Project, which offers a cloud-native, high-performance tool for integrating mass data. Furthermore, AWS has introduced image signing for the code-signing service AWS Signer and the Amazon Elastic Container Registry. This feature allows developers to sign and verify container images. Similarly, in the OpenEdge application development platform, developers can now optimize existing applications with HashMap collections and use TLS 1.3 as the standard security protocol.

Landing AI has launched its new Landing AI SDK, which endeavours to support developers in their AI development work. This support ranges from object recognition to visual prompting, and it currently supports JavaScript and Python, with C# to be added in the future. Meanwhile, acclaimed open-source GitLab now offers the achievements feature, enabling users to highlight their contributions to different projects or groups on their profile. These achievements consist of a name, description, and avatar. JetBrains has also updated its Aqua IDE for test automation, introducing Playwright and Cypress test frameworks for execution of tests and configuration in search of specific test cases.

Monster API has launched a new platform that offers development teams access to a GPU infrastructure and pre-trained AI models. This decentralised system enables the creation of AI applications and provides access to the latest AI models, such as Stable Diffusion. Parasoft’s C/C++test 2023.1 edition automates static code analysis and ensures compliance with coding standards. C/C++test 2023.1 also extends support for DevOps CI/CD workflows and introduces the new C/C++test Bazel integration package.

In the world of development environments, Qt Creator 11 introduces a built-in terminal to support a variety of shells, multiple tabs, and colours. Additionally, it has introduced integration for GitHub Copilot through a new plugin that can be controlled on a project-specific basis. Finally, the Eclipse Foundation has announced the availability of the M3 release of the Kanto software written in Go for complex IoT edge devices. The development team has made improvements to cloud connectivity with Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) now available, while the groundwork to support connectivity with the AWS IoT Core in the near future is already laid.

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