Apple’s Corporate Data Protection Features Webinar

Webinar: Apple's new data protection functions in corporate use

Apple Strengthens Privacy Features in iOS and macOS

Apple is placing more emphasis on privacy features in its operating systems such as iPadOS and macOS. However, users often don’t know what kind of information apps, app providers, and Apple itself collect from them. This is a major issue for iPhone and iPad users who use their devices both personally and professionally and are managed by administrators within their companies.

Apple’s Privacy Features

In a recent webinar entitled “What New Privacy Features Does Apple Offer?” technical author and mobile device specialist Mark Zimmermann provided a detailed explanation of the central options for data protection and the features available in the operating systems that offer maximum benefits while minimizing risks. The webinar is primarily aimed at system administrators, IT managers, and data protection officers in companies.

In-depth Information for Users and Businesses

The webinar provides both users and businesses with comprehensive information on how to use the privacy features of iOS devices. Topics include the app privacy report, data collection with differential privacy, and features like Apple’s privacy relay and hide email address. The webinar also explains the difficulties that this presents for companies as well as individuals.

Data Protection Innovations in iOS 16

The webinar provides a deeper insight into Apple’s data protection functions, and the associated developments in iOS 16, such as network and device detection. It also examines what data Apple collects itself.

Live Webinar on March 28, 2023

The 120-minute live webinar on data protection will take place on March 28, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The event will be moderated by Mac & i editor Inge Schwabe, and live demos and questions from participants will round off the event. The cost of a ticket is 129 euros. However, participants with the new Mac & i Pro subscription for admins and developers will be able to attend this and other webinars, totaling 24 webinars per year, free of charge.

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