Will the anger of the farmers rise to Paris? Already blockades around the capital

New day of agricultural grumbling. The threat of a “blockade of Paris” looms over the head of the government, which must make announcements for farmers on Friday, January 26. Follow the situation live

Farmers have been demanding administrative simplifications to their activities for several days and have been denouncing new pesticide bans.
Two agricultural unions, the FDSEA and the Young Farmers, are calling for a “blockade of Paris” starting on Friday at 2pm.
Gabriel Attal is expected to make “concrete proposals for simplification measures” for farmers during a visit in the afternoon.
While on a trip to India, Emmanuel Macron’s entourage explained that he is closely monitoring the situation.

9:32 am | Towards a Farmers’ Blockade of Rungis?
The Coordination Rurale is considering blocking Rungis. “Rungis has been on our minds for a long time,” said Véronique Le Floc’h, the union president. She also stated that “we can imagine everything. What else can we do? We will continue to work every day without knowing if young people will be interested in coming to settle in our farms. Who will ensure France’s food sovereignty? This unfair competition is killing us,” she said.

9:27 am | Blockades maintained in Limousin
Farmers continue to block the A20 highway and National Road 145 between Creuse and Haute-Vienne, as they have been doing since Tuesday.

9:21 am | “We are already gearing up to harden our stance”
Cyrille Milard, the president of the FDSEA for Seine-et-Marne, is eagerly awaiting the Prime Minister’s announcements, scheduled for the afternoon. He stated, “We are already gearing up to harden our stance […] We do not intend to go to the capital, but rather to block the major roads, all the highways on the outskirts of Paris,” the union president clarified.

9:10 am | Blockages: where to avoid getting stuck in Brive (and elsewhere in Corrèze) this Friday
In addition to the blockade set up on the A20 highway in Brive, two actions are announced on the A20 and A89 in Noailles and Ussel on Friday.

8:55 am | The mobilization “necessarily questions us,” says Yaël Braun-Pivet
The President of the National Assembly acknowledged the anger of the farmers and commented that it “necessarily questions us.”

8:45 am | Paris targeted by farmers
The capital is now threatened by blockades and actions by the agricultural movement. Actions are planned on the outskirts of the capital, particularly in Melun and Fontainebleau.

8:40 am | Gabriel Attal expected in Haute-Garonne on Friday
The Prime Minister is expected to make announcements on Friday to respond to the anger of the farmers who have been mobilizing across France for several days.

8:30 am | Good morning!
We will be following a new day of mobilization by farmers who are planning around 60 blockades and various actions across France.

Throughout the day, farmers will be blocking major roads and transport hubs, and their demands for administrative simplifications and an end to pesticide bans will continue. The situation is causing growing concern in the agricultural community. The government will need to make concrete proposals to address the farmers’ grievances and prevent the situation from escalating further. Stay tuned for updates on this developing situation.

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