What we know about the suspect and the police shootings

Police Open Fire on Veiled Woman Making Terrorist Threats in Paris
On Tuesday morning in Paris, police opened fire on a veiled woman who was making threats and promoting terrorism in public transport. The suspect’s life is in danger. Without any identification papers, it is believed that she may be a person known to intelligence services for similar actions.

A woman who was making death threats and threatening to explode herself while promoting terrorism was seriously injured and shot by police in Paris on Tuesday.

Users of the RER C train alerted the authorities while a fully veiled woman was making threats and promoting terrorism on a train from Val-de-Marne on Tuesday morning around 8 am.

“Witnesses reported that the suspect said, ‘You will all die, Allah Akbar, Boom’,” said Paris Police Prefect Laurent Nunez.

The suspect was isolated at the Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station in the 13th arrondissement of Paris before the authorities intervened.

Police Intervention
Initially, officers from the General Surveillance Service (Suge) of the French National Railway Company (SNCF) asked the suspect to sit on the ground. They established a security perimeter and evacuated the station. “Access to the station was closed. The person was sitting surrounded by police officers,” said Paris Police Prefect Laurent Nunez.

Around 9:20 am, “she got up and approached the police officers who gave her several instructions: the first was to remain still, the second was to show her hands. The suspect refused to comply with these instructions and the officers fired shots,” added Laurent Nunez.

Two officers reportedly fired a total of eight shots at the suspect, hitting her in the abdomen and causing serious injuries.

“The officers immediately came to her aid, and the firefighters arrived at the scene while it was confirmed that the suspect did not have any explosives,” explained the police prefect.

The woman who was shot was wearing a full Islamic veil at the time of the incident. Contrary to her claims, no explosive devices were found on her.

The identity of the suspect, who had no identification documents, is not yet certain. At the hospital, she reportedly provided a name. According to BFMTV, she is a 38-year-old person known to the authorities but not flagged as a security risk. “Subject to her identity being confirmed, she would be known to the police,” said the Paris Police Prefect.

In July 2021, while also wearing a full veil, she was apprehended while “wandering” with a screwdriver in hand, making religious statements, and threatening soldiers from Operation Sentinel.

“At that time, she was suffering from psychiatric disorders and was hospitalized,” added the prefect, who remains cautious about her identity.

The seriously injured suspect is currently hospitalized with a life-threatening condition.

Following the incident, two investigations have been opened. The first has been entrusted to the Paris Judicial Police for promoting terrorism, making death threats, and intimidating a public servant to prevent them from carrying out their duties. The second investigation has been entrusted to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) for voluntary violence concerning the use of firearms by the officers.

By Guillaume Dussourt, with Marion Dubreuil

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