Visual Studio Code 1.78 Introduces Profile Templates for Easy Selection in Source Code Editor

Source code editor Visual Studio Code 1.78 provides profile templates for selection

Microsoft’s open source code editor Visual Studio Code has released its latest monthly update, version 1.78. The update, named after April, includes new features aimed at improving the handling of profiles, visual display, and accessibility.

Profiles have been widely available since version 1.75 and allow users to save settings, extensions, UI layout, and shortcut keys in individual profiles. The new release provides customizable profile templates for various programming languages, such as Java, Python, Angular, and Data Science. Developers can use default templates or customize them as required from the Profiles > Create Profileā€¦ dropdown menu.

In addition to customizable templates, the release includes new color themes called “Dark Modern” and “Light Modern,” which are more modern than the previous themes “Dark+” and “Light+.” They replace the old themes and are now the standard.

Further, the VS Code team has improved accessibility by allowing users of a screen reader to choose not to read out hints in the aria label of a feature to avoid redundancy. This change can be made in the settings “accessibility.verbosity.diff-editor” and “accessibility.verbosity.terminal.”

Overall, the April release of Visual Studio Code provides users with new tools to customize profiles and improve accessibility. For more information about the release, visit the announcement.

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