Unoccupied housing in Paris

In Paris, nearly one in five homes (19%) is unoccupied, a category that includes both vacant homes (9%) as well as second homes and occasional residences (10%). In total, there are 262,000 unoccupied homes in Paris in 2020, including 128,000 vacant homes and 134,000 second homes and occasional residences.

Unoccupied homes are those that do not constitute the primary residence of a household. Among them, there are vacancies that are unoccupied all year, second homes used for short stays (weekends, leisure, or vacations), and occasional residences used occasionally for professional reasons. The distinction between occasional residences and second homes is sometimes difficult to establish, which is why the two categories are often grouped together in census data.

This data is from the 2020 census of the population by Insee. The data is presented on these maps at an infra-municipal scale, that of Iris (grouped islets for statistical information).

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