Uncovering Ancient Cultures with Magnetometers in Archaeology

Archeology: With magnetometers in search of past cultures

Archaeology is the field that studies ancient cultures. In Ohio, there are many indigenous structures yet to be discovered. For a long time, these structures were ignored and neglected. However, scientists have been recently using technology to uncover and preserve these ancient earthworks. One of these scientists is Jarrod Burks, Director of Archaeological Geophysics at Ohio Valley Archeology Inc.

Burks uses a magnetometer to measure tiny fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field. This device is so sensitive that a cell phone in his pocket could destroy the data he collects. With the magnetometer, Burks can detect camp sites that have been long forgotten, some of which were used more than a thousand years ago.

Ohio Valley Archeology Inc. manages cultural resources and surveys sites throughout the Midwest and abroad. Burks has been working for the company for over a decade. He is also the President of the Heartland Earthworks Conservancy, which is dedicated to preserving ancient earthworks in southern Ohio.

The ancient earthworks in Ohio are monuments of creative cultures that have reshaped the North American landscape. These structures form geometric shapes of walls, hills, ditches or ramparts, and they can be up to 3000 years old. Ironically, some of the larger structures are difficult to spot because they resemble natural landforms. Other, smaller structures may look like unkempt grassy hills at first glance.

Many of the structures seem to indicate significant constellations or lunar cycles, suggesting a highly developed astronomical knowledge that has been passed down over several generations. By uncovering these structures and learning more about the cultures that built them, we can gain more knowledge about our past.

Technology is limited, however, and scientists like Burks are reliant on their own ingenuity and cultural expression to uncover new structures and preserve those that have been discovered. With the help of technology and a dedicated team of researchers, we can continue to learn more about ancient cultures and the impact they had on the world.

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