Title: Anne Hidalgo, ten years as mayor of Paris: I discovered a world of manipulators

Anne Hidalgo has been the mayor of Paris for ten years. In an interview with Le Nouvel Obs, she opened up about her experiences in politics and the challenges she has faced.

Hidalgo discussed the “world of manipulators” she has encountered during her time in office. She talked about the difficulties of navigating political relationships and the need to stay true to her values.

Despite the challenges, Hidalgo remains committed to serving the people of Paris. She highlighted her efforts to improve the city’s infrastructure, create more green spaces, and address issues like climate change and social inequality.

Hidalgo’s tenure as mayor has been marked by both successes and setbacks. She has faced criticism from some quarters, but has also earned praise for her dedication to making Paris a better place for all its residents.

As she looks ahead to the future, Hidalgo remains determined to continue her work and push for positive change in the city. She emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and not giving in to the pressures of politics.

Overall, Hidalgo’s interview sheds light on the complex world of politics and the challenges faced by those in public office. Despite the obstacles, she remains committed to serving the people of Paris and working towards a better future for the city.

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