The ticket prices are high, says the president of the International Athletics Federation

Sebastian Coe, the former head of the organization of the 2012 London Olympics and the current head of the International Association of Athletics Federations, has criticized the ticket prices for the 2024 Paris Olympics. He expressed concern about the high cost of tickets and emphasized the importance of having supporters in the stadiums at affordable prices.

More than 7.6 million tickets have already been put on sale for the Paris Olympics, with prices ranging from 24 euros to 690 euros, especially for athletics competitions. Coe pointed out the need to consider the families of the athletes who will travel to support their loved ones.

As a former double Olympic champion and someone who has experience in organizing major events, Coe wished good luck to the French organizing committee and hopes that the games will take place safely and not in a confined atmosphere. The 2024 Paris Olympics are set to take place from July 26 to August 11, and the complexity of organizing such a major event is further heightened by the current international conflicts.

Overall, Coe’s criticisms shed light on the importance of making sporting events accessible and affordable for fans, while also keeping the welfare of athletes’ families in mind. These insights should be taken into consideration by the organizers of the Paris Olympics to ensure the success and inclusivity of the event.

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