The Power of Interpretation: Creating a Smart and Sweet Home

Interpretation matter 85: Smart Sweet Home

Building automation has finally made its way into private homes, with roller shutters opening and closing automatically, brightness sensors turning the lights on and off, and motion detectors communicating with radiators. The smart home app allows homeowners to control all of these features with the touch of a fingertip or vocal command, using language assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant.

However, with the use of all these sensors generating and storing personal data, there are concerns about data protection. To discuss these issues, Holger Bleich and Heise legal advisor Joerg Heidrich invited Dr. Marc Störing, a lawyer specializing in IT-related data protection, as a guest on episode 85 of the c’t data protection podcast.

During the conversation, the three discussed various data protection issues that arise with the use of smart home technology. They looked at the type of data that can be collected, how it is stored, and the legal basis of the GDPR that could justify processing. They also discussed fundamental questions about necessity, earmarking, and storage duration.

While these issues are important in the context of private homes, the situation becomes even more complex in business environments. The discussion also touched upon the many problems with “Smart Building” technology, including responsibilities, employee data protection, and order processing by specialized service providers.

Overall, the podcast provides valuable insights into the world of building automation and the data protection issues that arise with its use. It highlights the need for further discussion and regulation to ensure that personal data is protected in all contexts and that there is transparency about how it is being used.

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