The Impact of AI Models on Society’s Work, Education, and Art

Work, education, art: How big AI models are changing our society

Microsoft recently introduced its new search engine Bing, which is set out to break Google’s dominance in the market. With the advancements in generative AI that have been made recently, particularly by ChatGPT, Bing’s chat function is a small revolution in the internet search process. The new chat function uses OpenAI’s language models to answer queries in the form of short, coherent texts that also engages in discussions and links to relevant websites found by the search engine.

The use of AI in language models is not limited to just search engines, but it is extending into various areas such as the creative industries, marketing, and education. The opportunities that have arisen from these new tools and AI systems for text, image, video, and audio are leaving those industries overwhelmed. While Google was once a pioneer in AI in the tech industry, it seems to be falling behind because of Bing’s new chat function, which is integrated into the Windows standard browser Edge.

The combination of OpenAI’s language model, for which Microsoft had invested heavily, and its concentrated market power has brought Bing to the forefront. Start-ups like Neeva and had previously brought AI-supported search engines online, but Bing’s unique combination is allowing it to dominate the market.

However, not everyone is a fan of the advancement of AI in language models. Some argue that it is causing false friends as AI systems are being trained on large datasets that include texts that are biased or have incorrect translations. As a result, the output produced by the AI may not always be accurate, leading to confusion or misunderstandings.

Moreover, there is an outcry from the arts and education industries, particularly in relation to the use of AI systems in creative tasks such as writing, music, and artwork. The fear is that AI systems will replace the human aspect of the creative process, leading to a loss of the originality and uniqueness that makes art so valuable.

In conclusion, the advancements in generative AI that have led to Bing’s new chat function have the potential to revolutionize the internet search process. However, there are also concerns that arise from the use of language models in various industries, such as false friends and the potential loss of creativity in the arts. As AI continues to develop, it is vital to balance the benefits with the potential drawbacks to ensure that society as a whole benefits from these advancements.

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