The Artistic Side of Weather Forecasting with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence: weather forecast as a painting

South Korean company Alan has created a unique weather station that displays weather conditions as paintings in the style of famous artists such as Picasso. The device is built using a Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython and can communicate weather forecasts artistically rather than using numbers or symbols. Alan’s program uses the screen scraper Beautiful Soup to access accurate weather forecasts from the Naver search engine in real-time.

The program then passes this information to ChatGPT, an AI-based platform that generates a short story from it in a maximum of two sentences. The content is then forwarded to DALL·E 2, an image-generating AI that converts the information into a painting in the desired style. The end result is a unique and creative display that shows figures walking around with umbrellas or relaxing on a lounger depending on the weather.

Though the device may not display weather forecasts with total precision, it showcases how AI can utilize accurate data and link it creatively to produce an engaging display. Innovative builders can even access instructions to recreate the project on

Overall, Alan’s weather station proves how technology can be used in a beautiful and functional way to provide accurate information and creative inspiration.

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