The 4 Euro Metro Ticket: It’s a Bit of a Surprise

Valérie Pécresse has announced the almost doubling of the price of the metro ticket for the summer of 2024 to finance the additional cost of transportation related to the Paris Olympics. This temporary measure has sparked criticism among user associations and elected officials.

The price of a metro ticket will be 4 euros, up from the current 2.10 euros from July 20 to September 8, 2024. This announcement has received mixed reactions from the public.

Marc Pélissier, president of the National Federation of Transport Users’ Associations (FNAUT) Île-de-France, sees it as a surprise move. Valérie Pécresse estimates that the Olympics will incur an additional cost of 200 million euros and justifies the fare increase as a way to distribute the cost among visitors and non-residents.

Other ticket options, such as the carnet and Navigo passes, will also see significant price increases. The objective is to encourage occasional passengers to purchase the “Paris 2024” pass to minimize ticket queues. However, this decision concerns some passengers, who fear the financial impact of the fare hikes.

The decision to charge higher fares during the Olympic period has been met with criticism on social media, with many raising concerns about accessibility and equality during the games. The issue will be put to a vote at the next board meeting of IDFM on December 7, 2023.

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