Sunshine in Western Île-de-France but Clouds in the East, 8°C in Paris

The weather in Paris and the Île-de-France region shows a mix of sun and clouds, with temperatures ranging from 3°C to 15°C. In the western part of Île-de-France, there is sunshine, while the eastern part is experiencing cloudy skies.

On some days, the clouds dominate the sky, with temperatures reaching up to 11°C in Melun and 10°C in Paris. However, despite the clouds, there are occasional bright spells expected, with temperatures going up to 13°C in Paris.

The weekend forecast includes rain and cloudy skies, with temperatures hovering around 8-9°C. However, there is a possibility of sunshine returning in the afternoon on Saturday.

Overall, the weather in Paris and Île-de-France is varied, with a mix of sun, clouds, and occasional rain. Residents and visitors should be prepared for changing weather conditions and varying temperatures in the region.

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