Sexual Assailant with Knife Arrested in Paris Metro at Châtelet Station

The day after a violent party in the transport system. A 23-year-old man was arrested on Sunday morning in Paris, in the corridors of the metro station Châtelet, after committing a sexual assault on a female traveler and making threats with a knife.

It is 7 o’clock in the morning when a team from the Network Protection and Security Group (GPSR), the security agents of the RATP, intervenes in the corridors of the line 7 interchange. Passengers there reported the presence of a worrying person, armed with a knife. The officers approach Mohamad. The suspect has a wound on his hand. They aim their guns at him. The man freezes and lets himself be arrested without resistance.

A knife hidden in his sock
This young Algerian, in a regular situation in the country, is searched and the law enforcement officers discover a knife hidden in his sock. At the same time, a 22-year-old woman comes forward and accuses the suspect of sexually assaulting her a few minutes earlier. “Her friend tried to intervene when he touched her several times, but the young man, angry, threatened them with his knife,” explains a source close to the case. Another person reports that the same man tried to stab her when she tried to intervene.

The two friends, who were not injured, filed a complaint. The assailant was taken to the premises of the territorial security of the transports, rue de l’Évangile, where he was placed in custody for sexual assault. He was questioned on Sunday and the Paris prosecutor’s office was expected to make a decision on Monday on how to proceed with the case.

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