Secure Supply Chain: Atlassian Integrates Security Tools into Jira-Cloud

Secure Supply Chain: Atlassian integriert Security-Tools in die Jira-Cloud

Atlassian announced earlier this year that it would be upgrading the Jira suite with various tools for better cross-team collaboration under the motto “Unleash”. Now, the company is taking it a step further by expanding the DevSecOps approach for Jira Software cloud to integrate various security tools.

By bringing in security tools from providers such as Snyk, Mend, Lacework, Stackhawk, and JFrog, Atlassian aims to provide developers with a consistently more secure software supply chain and an improved developer experience. With these tools available in the new Security Tab, users can expect a better overview and concrete context information on detected vulnerabilities, making it easier to prioritize and process them.

To simplify and accelerate the processes for processing vulnerabilities, Jira can automatically create issues for the most critical ones while postponing the less serious vulnerabilities to sprint planning. This approach ensures that more serious problems that need to be dealt with immediately are brought into focus, while the less serious ones are not neglected either.

The available tools from Snyk, Mend, Lacework, Stackhawk, and JFrog will be joined by more security tools in the future. Atlassian had already made the integration of the Snyk app available to users of the Bitbucket Cloud at the end of last year, which provides the results of vulnerability scans.

Overall, the integration of various security tools into the Security Tab of the Jira Software cloud will contribute to a more secure software supply chain and provide developers with a better experience. With the automatic creation of issues for critical vulnerabilities and a simplified process for less serious vulnerabilities, users can expect faster and more efficient resolution of security issues.

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