Save the Date: IT and MINT Job Days in Frankfurt on April 20th

Make a note of IT job day and MINT job day in Frankfurt on April 20th

The Heise Jobs and Jobware event is a platform that brings together companies and job seekers in the ICT and MINT sectors. It provides a great opportunity for talented specialists to network with attractive employers. This year’s event will take place on April 20th, starting from 12 noon, at the IHK building on the stock exchange square in Frankfurt am Main.

The event features employees from various companies and institutions, including the Deutsche Bundesbank, the Hessen Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, the Condor airline, the German Society for International Cooperation (giz), the Federal Criminal Police Office, and many more. These employees are there to provide insights into current vacancies and answer any questions job seekers may have.

The event also offers a range of supporting programs, including a professional photographer who takes application photos, interesting specialist lectures on the subjects of applications and job searches, and a CV check. Job seekers may also find useful information about IT sector jobs and vacancies on the job market at Heise Online.

What’s more, the event is completely free! Interested attendees can register on the website of the Heise IT Job Day Frankfurt. The website also provides further information about the program and the participating companies.

Overall, the Heise Jobs and Jobware event is an excellent opportunity for job seekers in the ICT and MINT sectors to network with potential employers and find their dream jobs.

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