Restricted Traffic Zone Should Allow for 15 to 20% Reduction in Noise and Pollution

The new future limited traffic zone (ZTL) for the nearly exclusive deployment of Ariel Weil, the PS mayor of the Paris Center district has lots of options. It is crucial in reducing traffic and making Paris Center less of a shortcut. There are also discussions with the police prefecture regarding the final perimeter of the ZTL.

The ZTL is expected to be set up after the Olympic Games. The main perimeter covers all of Paris Center but there is a dispute with the police prefecture regarding certain areas that should be included.

The disagreement with the police prefecture regarding the ZTL is due to the possible overloading of certain areas with more intense traffic if the perimeter is limited. The goal is to reduce pollution and noise by 15-20%, and even up to 30% in some places. The change in traffic flow has already reduced nitrogen dioxide by 30% in certain areas.

There will be a public inquiry to address the concerns and opposition from a large portion of the population. The focus is on improving public transportation and benefiting the residents.

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