Restoration of the Catacombs of Paris: A Historic Restoration Program Until 2026

The famous Catacombs of Paris are launching a historic renovation program, a large-scale project that will extend until 2026. Restoration of historical hagues and modernization of the facilities are planned as early as this fall.

The Catacombs of Paris, this fascinating underground network, are entering a crucial phase of their history with a restoration program extended until 2026. Here are the key points of this ambitious project.

Restoration of the “Hague des Martyrs de septembre” : Launched this fall, this restoration is the first step of the program. It highlights the fragility and historical importance of these bone structures, in the heart of the Catacombs.

Renovation of two other hagues (2024-2025) : Work will continue with the restoration of two other hagues, scheduled for 2024 and 2025. These restorations are part of a long-term preservation approach of the ossuary.

Modernization of technical facilities (2025-2026) : This crucial part of the program aims to renew the technical facilities of the Catacombs. The objective is two-fold: to improve the preservation of the remains and to offer an enhanced visiting experience, with a completely revised scenography and narrative path.

The “Hague des Martyrs de septembre” is a poignant witness of the French Revolution, recalling the tragedies of September 1792, where many political prisoners were executed.

The mediation tour of the Catacombs has also been enriched. Since September 2023, visitors have been able to benefit from new explanatory panels, improved signage, and interactive digital devices. A multilingual audio guide guides visitors through this historical and geological 1.5-kilometer route.

The modernization works planned in 2025 and 2026 will transform the experience of the Catacombs. The technical facilities will be modernized to offer a more immersive and informative visit, highlighting the entire history and heritage of the site.

The Catacombs of Paris, an integral part of the 14 museums and sites of the City of Paris, are a key element of the Parisian heritage. This restoration program is a unique opportunity to discover or rediscover this historical site, a living testimony of the history of Paris and a tribute to past generations. This page may contain AI-assisted elements, more information here.

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