Reducing Paris Pollution: Lowering Speed Limit on Périphérique to 50km/h

The speed limit on the périphérique in Paris has been reduced to 50km/h in an effort to decrease pollution in the city. However, this measure will only be effective if it does not cause traffic congestion.

The reduction in speed limit is part of the efforts to improve air quality in Paris and reduce the impact of pollution on public health. By lowering the speed limit, authorities hope to decrease emissions from vehicles and ultimately improve air quality in the city.

While the measure has the potential to reduce pollution, there are concerns that it could lead to increased traffic congestion. This could have a negative impact on the overall flow of traffic in the city, leading to longer travel times and potential frustration for drivers.

It remains to be seen how effective the reduction in speed limit will be in reducing pollution in Paris. Authorities will need to closely monitor the impact of the measure and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it achieves its intended goal without causing additional problems for commuters.

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