Quarkus 3.2: Java Framework Introduces Long-Term Support for Enhanced Stability

Java framework Quarkus 3.2 is the first LTS release with 12 months of support

The open source Java framework Quarkus has released version 3.2, which is also the first release with Long-Term Support (LTS). The LTS version will receive twelve months of support, while non-LTS versions with feature updates will continue to be released monthly.

Quarkus 3.2 comes with new security features, optional sharing of user analytics, and the experimental @QuarkusComponentTest feature, which allows for testability of CDI components.

In the future, LTS versions of Quarkus will be released every six months with critical bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements. Users who prefer getting new features earlier can opt for the non-LTS versions, which will be released approximately monthly.

The betterCode() Java 21 LTS conference is scheduled for October 4th, focusing on the upcoming LTS release of Java. The event organized by heise Developer, iX, and dpunkt.verlag will cover the main innovations in seven presentations and provide insights into the OpenJDK. Early bird tickets are available until September 13th.

Extension maintainers and contributors will also need to adapt to the change. The Quarkus team recommends utilizing separate branches and versioning for LTS releases to ensure stability. They have provided further information on the introduction of LTS releases in a blog entry.

Quarkus 3.2 introduces new security features, including the ability to use user-defined claim types and customize verification for OpenID Connect (OIDC) in the quarkus-test-security-jwt and quarkus-test-security-oidc extensions. The OIDC extension is now integrated into the new Dev UI introduced in Quarkus 3.

The release also includes the new feature Build Time Analytics, which allows users to voluntarily share anonymous user data with the Quarkus community. The data will provide insights into Quarkus usage and opportunities for improvement. Users will be asked to opt-in the first time they run “quarkus dev.”

For more information about Quarkus 3.2, visit the Quarkus Blog.

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