Quarkus 3.0: The Latest Java Framework Based on Jakarta EE 10

Java framework Quarkus 3.0 is based on Jakarta EE 10

The Quarkus team recently announced the release of the third version of their open source Java framework. The latest release comes after a year of development and almost two years since the release of version 2.0.

Among the significant upgrades that come with Quarkus 3.0 include the switch to Jakarta EE 10 and Hibernate ORM 6. Quarkus 2 was based on version 8 of Jakarta EE, and the latest version offers significant changes including the migration from javax.* packages to jakarta.* packages.

This change means that developers will need to change source code, dependencies, and transitive dependencies that use javax.* packages. Quarkus developers noted that this step will simplify sharing and increase the availability of compatible implementations.

One of the biggest innovations in Quarkus 3.0 is the update of the persistence and ORM framework Hibernate ORM to version 6.2. The move from version 5 to 6.2 brings some changes that the Quarkus team reported on in detail on GitHub.

Another notable change in Quarkus 3.0 is the new Dev UI, which has been visually revised and is designed to be more expandable. The new Dev UI is already set by default, but the previous one remains available under /q/dev-v1.

Overall, this latest release of Quarkus offers substantial changes and improvements to the open source Java framework. Further details about the latest version are available on the Quarkus blog.

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