Prohibitive Cost According to the Users’ Federation

IDF Mobility will increase its capacity by 15% during the Olympic Games, requiring an investment of 200 million euros, which will be supported directly by the occasional visitors to the city.
By increasing the price of the single ticket from 2.10 euros to 4 euros, President Valérie Pécresse announced this decision, although monthly and annual Navigo passes will not be affected by these increases.
This decision has been considered a political choice that will impact tourists with the doubling of the ticket price, making it difficult and prohibitive, according to the vice president of the Usagers de Transports association.
Additionally, the price of travel to the airports of Roissy and Orly will be raised by 5 euros.
The Federation européenne des voyageurs President believes that the price is illegitimate, especially considering it’s not valid for transfers between different modes of transportation. He suggests that a combined ticket with the event entry for the Olympics would be a better alternative.
Paris 2024 originally promised free transportation for all visitors, but IDF Mobility has since introduced the “Passe Paris 2024” which costs 16 euros per day or 70 euros for a week, making it less affordable for a visitor staying in Paris for the duration of the Games.

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