Photography Industry Professionals Call for AI Image Regulation

Professional photographers are demanding comprehensive regulation for AI images

The Professional Association of Freelance Photographers and Film Designers (BFF) has taken a stance on AI-generated images. As one of the first photography associations, the BFF is calling for comprehensive regulation for the creation of images using machine learning. They also advocate for the labeling and use of images from these machines.

The Ethics Council on AI recently stated that AI should not replace humans. The BFF agrees with this statement and emphasizes that AI-generated images should protect copyright, respect personal rights, and not infringe exploitation rights. These three areas are crucial for those who make a living from creating images.

According to the BFF, legal regulations to protect works and economic viability are essential. To illustrate this, the association cites the Laion-5b database, which has 5.85 billion images. The authors of these images were not asked for consent, and they have no control over how their works are used for economic gain.

The BFF is calling for public debate on the issue, not just regarding the economic aspects, but also in terms of labeling requirements for AI-generated images. Their complete statement and a detailed FAQ on the legal aspects of the issue are available on their website.

The legal advisor to our publishing house also provided a summary of the current legal status with regards to AI-generated images. As AI continues to grow in sophistication and capability, it is important for both creators and consumers to be aware of the legal implications surrounding their use.

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