Part 1: Building AI for a Model Railway with Raspberry Pi in a Handicraft Project

Handicraft project with Raspberry Pi, part 1: AI for the model railway

Monitoring Your Model Railway with AI and a Raspberry Pi

Model railway enthusiasts know that keeping track of numerous trains on complex layouts can be challenging. Trains can derail, switch tracks, or get stuck, often in places that are hard to see. To ensure smooth operation of your layout, you could use a mechanical helper to monitor important track sections and automatically alert you if something is wrong. In this article, we introduce you to such a helper: the Smart Model Railway Cam (SMRC), which uses a Raspberry Pi with a camera and AI to monitor whether objects are in their correct position.

Preparing the AI Model

To build your own SMRC, you will need a Raspberry Pi, a camera module, and several Python packages to install. We guide you through the process of the initial setup, including configuring your Raspberry Pi and installing the dependencies for the SMRC software. Then, we show you how to prepare the AI model that will be trained to recognize objects on your model railway.

Classifying Data

Before training the neural network, you need to collect and label images to classify the objects you want to detect. We explain how to capture images of the objects and how to use a Python script to label them so that the neural network can learn to recognize them. We also provide tips on how to photograph your model railway to generate high-quality images.

Training Approaches

Once you have gathered enough labelled data, you can start training the neural network. We discuss various training approaches, including transfer learning, data augmentation, and different neural network architectures. We also give examples of how to fine-tune pre-trained models and how to optimize parameters to improve the accuracy of the model.

Digression: Training Data

In this section, we delve deeper into the process of collecting and labeling training data. We explain how to balance the data classes and how to avoid overfitting. We also suggest some tools to visualize training data and monitor the training progress.


By following the steps in this article, you can build your own Smart Model Railway Cam and use AI to monitor your model railway. The SMRC can save you time, effort, and frustration by detecting and alerting you to any issues that arise on your layout. Moreover, you can extend the SMRC’s functionality by adding more features, such as voice recognition or remote control. So why not give it a try and see how AI can enhance your model railway experience?

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