Now in Make 3/23: Introducing E-Ink Displays for Smart Homes

Now in Make 3/23: E-ink display for the smart home

The smart home is designed to operate automatically, eliminating the need for constant monitoring. However, there are certain instances where having sensor data readily available can be helpful, such as monitoring indoor climate. In the latest issue of Make 3/23, we provide instructions on how to create your own e-ink display using an ESP32. Our editor, Heinz Behling, walks you through the process of driving an e-ink display with an ESP32 and integrating it into Home Assistant. By connecting a rotary encoder, you can easily switch between different displays and expand its functionality. We also provide a housing design for 3D printing, ensuring that your display is not only well protected but also visually appealing.

In addition to the e-ink display project, this issue also delves into Software Defined Radio (SDR). In the past, radio enthusiasts had to choose between devices that covered specific frequency ranges. However, with SDR technology, radio enthusiasts can now explore a wide frequency range from 500 kHz to 1.75 GHz using an affordable SDR dongle. Our author, Tim Deagan (KJ8U), explains how SDR works and provides valuable tips for beginners looking to get started in this field.

For more information on these topics and other exciting projects, be sure to grab a copy of Make 3/23. The magazine is available at newsstands or can be purchased online. Subscribers can also enjoy the convenience of having the magazine delivered directly to their mailbox. If you prefer digital reading, Make is also available on our iOS and Android apps. Visit the Heise Shop to order your copy of Make as a print version or PDF, with free postage until June 8th. Check out the table of contents for Make 3/23 online for a sneak peek of what’s included. (akf)

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