Meet Tobias Lauterbach, the Postillon Technician behind DeppGPT and BER Construction Simulator.

Postillon technician Tobias Lauterbach about DeppGPT, BER construction simulator & Co.

Tobias Lauterbach, an editor and developer for the satirical site “Der Postillon,” has gained attention for his creation of the “artificial arrogance” AI, DeppGPT. Initially created for fun, Lauterbach was surprised by its success.

In an interview with heise online, Lauterbach discusses other projects he’s worked on with the Postillon, including the BER construction simulator game. He initially came up with the idea for this game after taking the open-source version of the article “Long stone from Tetris gets its own game” and removing all stones except for the long one.

The BER construction simulator game came to mind soon after, and with the approval of the Postillon, Lauterbach created it without the standard project planning documents. Interestingly, the airport opened only six months after the game’s release. Lauterbach sees his game as contributing to the airport’s completion, as it allowed builders to try different things and avoid mistakes.

Lauterbach has also developed other projects, including the toilet paper app, which was released during the coronavirus pandemic. He has a long list of game ideas and plans to continue creating smaller games solo. He sometimes collaborates with Postillon colleagues on music and text, and has even created his own music pieces.

In the future, Lauterbach imagines using AI to create graphics for his games, saving him time and improving quality. For now, he continues to enjoy tinkering with animations and other elements. His quirky ideas have proven successful, and it will be interesting to see what he comes up with next.

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