Jennifer Aniston Condemns Critics Slamming Friends as Offensive

Beloved American actress Jennifer Aniston has shared her thoughts on the criticism surrounding her hit show Friends. In an interview with AFP, Aniston stated that comedy has evolved over time and what may have flown under the radar in the past is now recognized as insensitive. She explained that there is a whole new generation of people, including children, who are now re-watching the show and finding it offensive.

Aniston, who played Rachel Green on the show, admits that it has become more difficult for comedians to navigate their craft over the years. She believes that people need to be more careful with their words and actions. However, the actress also emphasizes the importance of humor in our lives, stating that we cannot take ourselves too seriously.

While Friends has maintained its popularity among critics and fans, it has faced criticism for its lack of diversity. Aniston’s co-star, Courteney Cox, revealed in a 2010 interview with the Los Angeles Times that the three female leads of the show would eat lunch together every day for 10 years. Aniston would bring her special Cobb Salad recipe, made with turkey bacon and chickpeas, which the trio enjoyed daily.

Despite the criticism surrounding Friends, Aniston continues to defend the show and its comedic approach. She believes that everyone needs fun and humor, especially in today’s divided world. For her, the beauty of comedy lies in the ability to make fun of ourselves and life in general.

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