Ice replica of Notre-Dame de Paris built in China to attract tourists to France

The French delegate Minister for Tourism, Olivia Grégoire, has visited China this week to promote the attractiveness of France to Chinese tourists who are still reluctant to visit the country.

The reason behind the visit was the launch of the Franco-Chinese cultural tourism year in China. The main objective is to highlight the appeal of France by showcasing its cultural heritage and fostering stronger ties between the two nations.

An interesting initiative that was presented during the visit was the construction of a replica of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris made entirely of ice. Standing at 22 meters tall and composed of 3000 cubic meters of ice, this impressive structure was created to attract the attention of Chinese tourists in Harbin, the northernmost city in China. It was part of the Ice and Snow Festival, a popular event in China since 1963, that showcases stunning ice sculptures and attractions every winter from January 5th to February 15th.

The purpose of this project is to showcase French art, culture, and heritage to the Chinese people and to bring attention to the cultural and artistic contributions of France. The French government hopes that by organizing various cultural events in China, such as the Bordeaux Opera Ballet tour and a national furniture exhibition, it will reignite the interest of Chinese tourists to visit France, which is a significant source of revenue for the French economy.

However, the challenges associated with travel, such as reduced flight routes, increased ticket prices, visa issues, and security concerns, have led to a decline in Chinese tourist visits to France. This targeted initiative aims to reverse this trend and restore France as a top destination for Chinese travelers.

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