How old is actor Gary Oldman on his birthday today?

Today is Gary Oldman's birthday - how old do you think he is?

Celebrities may seem ageless, but they still celebrate birthdays just like the rest of us. Today, March 21st marks the 65th birthday of British actor Gary Oldman. Oldman is known for his versatility and ability to transform himself into any role he takes on, making him an internationally acclaimed and award-winning actor.

Oldman’s first screen role was in the 1986 film “Sid and Nancy.” He gained Hollywood recognition with the action film “In the Courtyard of Hell” alongside Sean Penn. One of his most memorable roles came in 1991, portraying Lee Harvey Oswald in “JFK – Tatort Dallas.” Throughout the 90s, Oldman gained fame for playing the villain in films like “Bram Stoker’s Dracula,” “Léon – The Professional,” and “The Fifth Element.” Younger audiences may recognize him for his role as Sirius Black in the “Harry Potter” series, and for playing Commissioner Gordon in the iconic Batman trilogy.

Oldman’s talent and hard work paid off when he won the Best Actor award for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in “The Darkest Hour” in 2018. He was nominated for an Oscar in 2012 for “Queen, King, Ace, Spy.”

Off-screen, Oldman has been married five times. He has two children with photographer Donya Fiorentino and is currently married to author, photographer, and curator Gisele Schmidt.

As he celebrates his birthday, it’s unclear whether Oldman and his wife will have a big celebration or enjoy a quiet time together. Regardless, we wish Gary Oldman a very happy birthday and many more years of success in his future endeavors.

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